Book Editors, Self Publishing Your Book

10 Editors in San Francisco Who Can Sharpen Your Prose

In the vibrant city of San Francisco, known for its iconic Golden Gate Bridge and rich literary history, a host of talented book editors thrive, shaping the voices of both emerging and established authors. 

This listicle showcases the top book editors in the Bay Area, each bringing a unique blend of expertise, creativity, and dedication to the craft of refining manuscripts. Whether you’re a first-time author or a seasoned novelist, these editors are your key allies in navigating the complex journey from draft to publication.

1. Marisa Belger

Marisa Belger, based in San Francisco, is a seasoned developmental editor with 15 years of experience. She specializes in women’s wellness, self-improvement, and motherhood journey topics. Belger has supported a wide range of authors, including wellness experts like Tracy Anderson and life coaches such as Ariane de Bonvoisin. Her editorial projects include titles published by prominent publishers like HarperCollins and Simon & Schuster. Additionally, she has co-authored books like “The First 40 Days: The Essential Art of Nourishing the New Mother.”

2. Staci Frenes

Staci Frenes, a published author and editor from San Francisco with a decade of experience, brings her expertise to a variety of genres including autobiographies and memoirs, spirituality, and contemporary romance. With an English degree from UC Berkeley, Staci excels in developmental editing, helping authors enhance their narrative clarity and emotional impact. Her work is well-respected across independent and traditional publishing, highlighted by her successful collaborations on projects like “Breath Prayers” by Christine Valters Paintner and “Love Makes Room” by Staci Frenes herself.

3. Danielle Goodman

Danielle Goodman is an accomplished developmental editor based in San Francisco, specializing in non-fiction, particularly business, self-help, and social sciences. With 15 years of editing experience, she has worked on New York Times bestsellers such as Hank Green’s A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor and John Perkins’ Confessions of An Economic Hitman. Danielle excels in transforming complex ideas into compelling narratives, often focusing on diverse and immigrant voices. Her work aims to refine and elevate manuscripts, ensuring they resonate deeply with their intended audiences.

4. Rachel Lehmann-Haupt

Rachel Lehmann-Haupt is an influential editor and digital content strategist in San Francisco, with a wealth of experience in health, wellness, and bioscience. Notably, she was a founding editor of TED Books and has extensive expertise in media strategies, including audience growth via social media and SEO-driven content. Rachel’s renowned editing includes The Female Brain by Louann Brizendine. She is celebrated for her dynamic approach, combining deep insight with a focus on positive, impactful narratives.

5. Pam McElroy

Pam McElroy is a skilled editor based in San Francisco with 15 years of experience in the publishing industry. She specializes in a variety of genres, including teen books, fantasy, LGBTQ fiction, and literary fiction. Pam has worked with publishers like Inkshares and Quarto, offering services from copyediting and proofreading to typesetting. She is known for her meticulous attention to detail and her ability to handle both books and magazines across all age categories.

6. Bridget Watson Payne

Bridget Watson Payne, with over 20 years at Chronicle Books, has refined a multitude of creative works, specializing in non-fiction, art, design, and illustrated books. Her approach is collaborative, emphasizing the synergy between author and editor to enhance each project’s unique qualities. She is adept at managing a wide range of subjects, including creativity, pop culture, and self-help, and excels in bringing artistic visions to life through books and other creative mediums.

7. Olivia Roberts

Olivia Roberts brings a fresh and engaging approach to non-fiction editing, focusing on entertainment, humor, and lifestyle projects. With over seven years at Chronicle Books, she has shaped diverse manuscripts, from visual and essay collections on humor to in-depth explorations of music and pet culture. Olivia is known for her versatile skills, ranging from project management to developmental editing, and her ability to enhance both the humor and depth of the narratives she works on.

8. Jon Roemer

Jon Roemer, based in San Francisco, stands out as a senior editor and publisher at an award-winning indie publishing house. With a focus on literary fiction, memoirs, and LGBTQ+ titles, Jon has over a decade of experience working with both new and seasoned authors. He emphasizes a collaborative editing approach to authentically enhance the author’s voice and vision. Jon is also known for his belief in concise and powerful writing, which makes his editing style particularly engaging and effective.

9. Alice Underwood

Alice Underwood is an expert in academic non-fiction, focusing her decade-long editing career on literature, politics, history, and the classics. Her editorial prowess has assisted in publishing works with prestigious university presses and major publishers, including a New York Times bestseller. Alice’s editing emphasizes clarity, precision, and maintaining the author’s original voice, catering to a diverse range of clients from students to tenured professors.

10. Conor Welter

Conor Welter, hailing from a vibrant background in Hollywood script analysis, now applies his narrative expertise to book editing, specializing in speculative and genre fiction. Based in San Francisco, he brings a dynamic blend of creative editing and story consultation to his projects. Conor’s professional journey includes notable experience reading scripts for production companies and studios, enriching his editorial skills. His educational credentials include a BFA in Film and Television Production and an MA in Media, Culture, and Communication from New York University.

We hope you enjoyed this tour of some of the Bay’s most talented editors. May it benefit your wonderful prose!