Self Publishing Your Book

Top 5 Print-On-Demand Services to Print Your Book

In the ever-evolving world of self-publishing, finding the right print-on-demand (POD) service can be the linchpin for your book’s success. These services not only eliminate the risk of unsold inventory but also ensure that your masterpiece is accessible worldwide. 

Whether you’re a first-time author or a seasoned writer looking to streamline your publishing process, choosing the right POD service can seem daunting. This post explores the top 5 print-on-demand services, highlighting their best features and ease of use to help you make an informed decision and bring your literary vision to life.

1. KDP Print

Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) Print is a notable option for self-publishing authors looking to produce paperbacks. Managed by Amazon, KDP Print integrates seamlessly with Kindle eBook publishing, allowing simultaneous publication of digital and physical books. It stands out for its no upfront cost policy and comprehensive distribution via Amazon’s global network, making books available to a vast audience. 

The service is praised for its straightforward publishing process, where authors retain control over pricing and rights, and can update their book details anytime. KDP Print offers competitive royalties, calculated as the list price minus the printing costs. The platform is particularly advantageous for authors who prioritize broad distribution and customer reach, leveraging Amazon’s robust marketing and distribution capabilities. 

2. Draft2Digital

Draft2Digital offers a straightforward and accessible platform for authors to self-publish and distribute their print books. It distinguishes itself with a user-friendly interface that simplifies the publishing process, making it particularly attractive to newcomers. This service provides free setup, meaning authors only pay for the cost of printing the books they sell. 

Draft2Digital boasts an expansive distribution network, reaching major retailers beyond Amazon, including Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, and Kobo. The print quality is consistent and reliable, ensuring that books meet professional standards. Authors receive a generous portion of sales as royalties, which are clearly explained in their terms. 

3. IngramSpark

IngramSpark stands out for its excellent distribution capabilities, offering access to an extensive network that includes independent bookstores, libraries, and major retailers worldwide. This service is highly regarded for its high-quality print options, which cater to a variety of publishing needs, including color printing and different paper types.

IngramSpark is particularly suited for authors and publishers who desire extensive reach and professional-grade print quality. IngramSpark’s royalty structure is designed to benefit authors with competitive rates, but it also emphasizes the need for strategic pricing due to the higher production costs. This service is ideal for those looking to maximize their book’s availability across multiple sales channels.

4. Bookvault

Bookvault is tailored for both independent authors and publishers looking for on-demand printing solutions. This service prides itself on flexibility and quality, offering a wide range of print options including hardback and paperback in various sizes and quality finishes. 

The platform is particularly noted for its high-quality product and customer service, making it a good choice for authors who prioritize print quality over broad distribution.

5. Blurb

Blurb is popular among photographers, graphic artists, and independent writers due to its exceptional support for image-rich and custom-designed books. The service provides professional tools for book design, including their software for layout and formatting, which is particularly beneficial for creating photo books, trade books, and magazines. 

Blurb offers print-on-demand services without a setup fee, and pricing is based on the type of project, print specifications, and volume. Distribution options include selling directly through the Blurb bookstore or expanding reach via Amazon and other global retailers. Blurb is ideal for creators who need high-quality print options and are focused on design and visual impact in their publications.